Grant Applications
The Association has provision to support the awards of grants for bell restoration and maintenance, education and training. As we are a registered charity, any award of funds has to be legally consistent with the Objects of the Association. This means that the trustees of the Association need to be assured that money is being spent properly.
Applications for less than £250 can be approved by either the Grants (BRA) subcommittee or the Recruitment and Training subcommittee (although these awards are reviewed periodically by the trustees to ensure that they are being used properly).
Grants for more than £250 have to be approved by the Association Trustees. The Association recognises that it is not always obvious what sort of grant is required, and therefore strongly recommends that you discuss any prospective application with the Education Officer, Technical Advisor, or General Secretary in advance of starting an application. They will also support you in preparing and submitting your application, to make sure that it goes through the approval process as quickly as possible (NB – we are working on a simpler way to do this – watch this space).
Trustees will take a number of factors into account when deciding on the value of an award, including the amount of local fundraising already achieved, applications submitted to other award giving bodies, the likelihood of success of the project, and value for money through scrutiny of quotations received. Where possible, more than one quotation should be supplied for review with your application. This is particularly important where the value of the project exceeds £5,000.
Bequests Fund
You also have the option of applying for additional funding from the Bequests Fund. Awards from this fund need to meet the general principles identified in the Bequests Strategy here, and you will have the opportunity during the application process to provide additional information if you want to do this.
Discuss Further
If you want to discuss your application, please contact us.
Apply Online
If you are ready to proceed with an application, the form is available here.