Categories of Membership
Category | Qualification | Entitlement |
Ringing Member | live within or close to the boundaries of the Association and
Ringing Member (Under 18) or Junior Member | As above (aged under eighteen on 1st January) | As above with the exception that you cannot become an officer of the Association |
Associate Member | a non-ringer who wishes to be associated with and support the objects and activities of the Association but who is not eligible for membership under any other category |
Life Vice-Presidents | are Ringing Members honoured by the Association for their exemplary service and substantial contribution to the operation of both a District and the Association for over 20 years |
Life Members | are Ringing Members or Associate Members honoured for their substantial contribution to their tower and District for an extended period (over 20 years) or who have been Ringing Members for at least 50 years |
Non-Resident Life Member (NRLM) | one qualified to be a Ringing Member who does not live within the Association boundaries and who does not wish to pay an annual subscription. Usually a peal ringer from elsewhere. Ringing Members who have paid five consecutive years subscriptions may become NRLM on moving away on paying the current year’s subscription. NRLM’s moving into the Association area become Ringing Members on payment of current subscription without election |
Guest | This is a non-member (or Non-Resident Life Member) who wishes to receive association/district notices, and/or who wishes to purchase from the Association Store. |
All members except NRLM may maintain their membership data at