
The Essex Association of Change Ringers   President: The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chelmsford

Job descriptions for Association and District Officers

Each District within the Association has a set of officers who are responsible for the smooth running of that District. Further, in order to maintain the smooth running of the whole Association there are a number of elected and appointed Officers that take on other roles.

When considering if you, or someone you know, might like to assist the District or the Association by taking on one these key roles, the following set of 'job descriptions' have been drawn up to help you. It is recommended that you speak to either someone who has done it before, or another District or Association Officer, to get a real feel for what is involved. Some of the descriptions may appear scary at first glance, but actually, when you get in to it, aren't as bad as they first seem!!

If in doubt, please speak to one of us.

Andrew Kelso Master
Sharon Lacey Hon. Gen. Secretary
Andrew Brewster Hon. Treasurer

Here are the job descriptions:

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