Essex Ringing Course
The Essex Association of Change Ringers
Registered Charity Number 292250
The 34th Essex Ringing Course
New Rickstones Academy, Conrad Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2SD
Thursday 10th April — Saturday 12th April 2025
Founded by Adrian Semken
Course Organiser:- Sarah Knights (07787 506846)
Helpers Administrator:- Gill Sparling (07815 545991)
Towers Administrator: Anne Bray (07759 632672)
Contact Address: Corvette, Bacons Lane, Chappel, CO6 2EB
The host Association is The Essex Association of Change Ringers
Association Master: Andrew Kelso
Association Secretary: Courtney Mandell
Association Treasurer: Andrew Brewster
Applications to join the Course should be made online if possible, using this link. The link will accept applications from 2 January 2025. Payment is not required at the time of application. Successful students will be sent a link for on-line payment once applications have closed. Prompt payment will be required to avoid the place being re-allocated.
The closing date is early this year, so please ensure your applications are submitted before 23rd January 2025. Please note: Applications are not dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis. Places will not be allocated until after the closing date of the 23rd January 2025.
In exceptional circumstances, a paper application form can be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Sarah Knights, Corvette, Bacons Lane, Chappel, CO6 2EB. Paper applications should be accompanied by a cheque made payable to “The Essex Association of Change Ringers”.
Cheques from successful applicants will be cashed once places have been offered or returned/destroyed for unsuccessful applicants.
Applicants who will be under the age of 18 at the date of the Course must have their applicationform signed by their parent or guardian. Please ensure that you have read the Course’s Child Protection Policy.
If you are suffering from any medical condition which may affect you during the Course youshould indicate this on the application form. In particular, you should bear in mind that most of thepractical ringing will be upstairs.
- The Adult fee for Basic Tuition for the 3 day courses is £65.00. This includes an Eventbrite booking fee, all lectures, demonstrations, practical session tuition and tower donations. The fee for 1 day courses is £30.
- The Junior fee for all young ringers from an Essex tower aged under 18 on 10 April 2025 orjunior members of the Essex Association is £30.
- Essex Association members may be eligible for grants from the Education Fund; please email to enquire.
- A bursary “Semken Scholarship” of the full fee will be offered to one Essex applicantaged under 25 on 10 April 2025. Please complete the appropriate part of the application form. The successful applicant will be selected by the Course tutors. S/he will be requiredto submit an article on the Course for publication in the Essex Association newsletter.
This bursary is offered in memory of Adrian Semken, the Course founder. It is intended that this scheme will continue for a number of years.
Entry to the Friday evening social is also included. Those wishing to attend the social, who havenot been a student or helper or participated in the Course in any way, are welcome to join thesocial for a nominal fee of £10.00 paid to the Course Organiser prior to the social. A buffet supperand free soft drinks are included.
Please notify the Course Organiser immediately if you find that you will be unable to attend the Course. If you withdraw from the Course after the application closing date but before 1 March 2025, your fee will be refunded less an administration charge of £5. If you withdraw after 1 March 2025, your fee, less an administration charge of £5, will only be refunded if the place can be taken by an unsuccessful applicant.
Every effort will be made to run the Course but there may be circumstances beyond our controlwhich mean that the Course may be cancelled without liability.
Applications will be acknowledged after the application closing date. Please do not contact the Organiser before the closing date for information on the progress of your application. Decisionscannot be taken until that time.
Applications are grouped according to first preference where possible. If groups cannot be filled,or are oversubscribed, the second choice group will then be used to attempt to allocate a space. However, a group which is under subscribed may have to be cancelled if the resources can be moreefficiently used for another group.
The Rickstones Academy is situated 2 miles off the A12, Conrad Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2SD. National Grid Reference TL 8184616574. On arrival students should report to the Reception Point which will be clearly signed. There is a large car park at the School with access fromRickstones Road. The school (buildings and grounds) operates a complete non-smoking policy which includes e-cigarettes.
The Course is essentially non-residential; any applicants who require accommodation should make their own arrangements with their hosts as soon as they have been advised that they have been successful in gaining a place on the Course.
Students should bring a supply of lined or squared paper, any book containing the method(s) to be studied, and a piece of rope if splicing instruction is required. Sets of handbells may be useful although some sets will be available.
The Association Bookstall will be open periodically during the course; Central Council and some other publications will be available. Tutors will be only too pleased to give advice about books.
Helpers and attendees will be able to order Essex Course clothing during the event.
Tea and coffee etc. will be available at the school at set times in the morning and afternoon each day and a meal at the Course Social on the Friday evening. All refreshments are included in the fee.
Groups usually take lunch at a local pub close to either the morning or afternoon tower, as this allows useful discussion and advice to continue over the break. These days it is extremely rare for pubs to have any problem with young people being part of the group, and young people should, if possible, budget for a pub lunch each day. If, however, any group member intends to make their own arrangements for lunch, or to bring sandwiches, you must let your group tutor know when you arrive at the school so that they can take this into account in making their arrangements for the group.
Reasonably experienced ringers are required as "helpers" at the practical sessions. No course fees are charged for helpers and they are entitled to attend any of the lectures and other Course functions when they are not required elsewhere. Helpers should be able to ring touches inside reliably to the method groups to which they are assigned (groups E and above) or ring reliably in at least the next higher group for groups A - D.
Helpers should apply online using this link. In exceptional circumstances, helpers should contact the Helpers Administrator directly: Gill Sparling (07815 54599), email:
It is essential that you read the details of the various practical Groups available as detailed below before you complete the Course Application Form.
It is equally essential that you do not over-estimate your ability. Please note that the first practical session is intended partly to ensure that ringers are in a suitable Group - a Group in which they can obtain maximum benefit from the Course without attempting too big a jump in their progress. Please assist us by providing a description of your ringing during the last three months (practicesor courses attended and what you have rung).
The emphasis on competence in the notes on the Course is quite deliberate. If you are in a Group for which you are not yet ready you will, as a consequence, not make the progress intended and progress of others in that Group will be hindered. The Course Management reserves the right to ask you to change groups if it is felt appropriate. The aim is for all students to make significant progress and to enjoy their practical sessions.
The Course will be divided into Groups for practical sessions as below, one of which must bechosen on the Application Form. Please see details on separate sheet.
Apart from the main Group lectures there will be other lectures on a variety of subjects which may include some of the following:
Handbell ringing Rope Splicing Calling callchanges
Achieving good striking Tune ringing on handbells Running a practice night
Recruitment and retention
Attendance at these is a matter of personal choice. Some sessions will be limited to a number of attendees; lists will be placed on the notice boards to enable you to sign up during the first coffee break.
An outline programme will be circulated electronically to all successful applicants.
Closing Date Friday 23rd January 2025
Group 1 Steeple Keeping
This course is for those who are actively involved in bell maintenance. The course covers Health and Safety, Church relationships, including insurance and faculties, the Role of the Steeple keeper, Anatomy of the bell and belltower and maintenance of various parts of installation. This one day course will also offer a theory session on bell maintenance. Subject to the number of people wishing to attend this course the Organiser will run an additional session Wednesday 9th April prior to start of the 3 day course, which will allow participants of 3 day courses to attend.
3 DAY Courses
GROUP A - Bell Handling Basics
This group is suitable for beginner ringers who are not yet confident in ringing a bell on their own. Ringers who have had a few lessons and are in the early stages will benefit from three days consolidated practice in securing bell-handling skills including raising and lowering a single bell. We will also accept applications from complete beginners. This course will also suit people takingtheir first steps in rounds (for example those at Level 1 if they are on the LtR scheme).
GROUP B – Moving on to rounds & call changes, improving foundation skills
This group is for students who can reliably handle a bell on their own but would like to work on their individual ringing skills, improve their bell control, listening and ropesight, for example thoseat level 2 of the LtR scheme. This group will focus on developing listening, striking and bellhandling. A range of individual and group exercises will be used to develop confidence in bell control.
GROUP C – Introduction to Hunting
This group is for those who are ready to take their first steps in change ringing. You may also have mostly completed level 1 & level 2 of the LtR scheme. The group will focus on developing the necessary skills required for change ringing including ropesight and good striking. Exercises will provide practice in plain hunting on different numbers of bells (up to 5).
GROUP D – Advanced Hunting
A Group for those who really have ropesight and bell control and are ready to ring the treble to awider range of methods and to minor methods without tenor cover.
GROUP E – Plain Bob Doubles Inside
A Group for those who are competent in ringing skills as outlined in the above groups and wishing to learn Plain Bob Doubles on an "inside" bell.
GROUP F – Plain Bob Minor Inside
A Group for those who are already competent in ringing skills as outlined in the above groups (upto E) who wish to learn Plain Bob Minor "inside". You should be able to ring the treble reliably to touches of Bob Minor before applying for this group.
GROUP G – Grandsire
Starting with Doubles and progressing to Triples with calls. Applicants must be proficient in ringing the treble to Grandsire and be able to ring touches of Bob Doubles “inside” to get the full benefit from this option.
GROUP H – Moving on from Plain Bob
A group for those competent in ringing touches of plain bob doubles and minor, who want to develop their doubles / minor repertoire. Methods covered may include
- St. Simon’s
- Reverse Canterbury
- Little Bob
- St Clements
- Single Oxford
GROUP I – Treble Bob Minor
Applicants will learn to ring the treble to a Treble Bob Hunt method and then progress to an“inside” bell. Tuition in both Kent and Oxford Treble Bob will be given, with the intention of moving on to splicing the two together for those making good progress. Applicants must alreadybe able to ring touches of Plain Bob Minor on an inside bell competently.
GROUP J – Elementary Calling Touches
This Group will start with calling Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles, and progress to Plain Bob and possibly other Minor methods. Students will be actively involved in calling a variety of touches and will be expected to ring whilst others of the Group are calling. No previous experience of calling is required, but you must be able to ring touches of Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Minor “inside” competently.
GROUP K – Moving onto Minor Surprise Methods
Applicants will learn how to move onto ringing surprise methods. You should confidently be able to ring Double Oxford, Kent and St Clements. This group will start by learning to ring Cambridge, moving onto Ipswich and other Surprise methods.