
The Essex Association of Change Ringers   President: The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Chelmsford

Essex International Jamboree - call for a few more helpers

You may be aware that a Scout/Guide Jamboree is taking place at the end of July at Boynton Cross near Writtle. Around 6,000 scouts, guides and their leaders will be attending from Sunday 28th July to Friday 2nd August.

As part of the Jamboree activities the ’Touring Tower’ will be set up so we can showcase bell ringing to these young people and their leaders.

We could do with a few more helpers mid-week to demonstrate and teach bell handling at a very elementary level - would you feel comfortable being part of this activity? Even if you haven’t been involved with a mini-ring before, if you are confident teaching ringing in your tower, then I’m sure you could manage to start some learners off on the Touring Tower. If you have worked on a mini-ring before, so much the better!

The activity is from 9.30m to 12.30 and 2 to 5pm each day, Monday to Friday. You will need to hold a current DBS certificate so please do check before volunteering. It’s likely to be a very lively and active few days.

If you are attending the Jamboree as a scout, guide or helper, do make point of coming along to see us. We have a leaders evening on Monday 29th so leaders, come and have a ring! Note, the Jamboree is not open to casual visitors.

If you could help, then please contact me by return.

Kind regards



Beth Johnson

Education Officer, EACR



(Monday 1 July 2024)

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