Striking competition finals 2024
Below is information for this year’s striking competition finals.
Please note: this year the competition will be held in June to accommodate the RWNYC and the Tendring show in July.
Saturday 29 June 2024 Striking Competition
The arrangements for this year’s EACR Striking Competition Finals are as follows:
8 Bell Competition
The test piece will be announced at the AGM. This will be held at Great Bardfield, St Mary the Virgin (8 bells, 15?cwt in F?) and the postcode is CM7 4RN. The draw will be at 10.00am.
6 Bell Competition
This will be held at Great Easton, St. John and St. Giles (6 bells, 11–2–10 in G). The postcode is CM6 2HF. The draw will be at 12:30 pm
Gt Bardfield, outside the church and down the road into the village.
Gt Easton, at the village hall and on the grass outside the church.
Travel between towers
Avoid minor roads. Go via Gt Dunmow B1057/B1008/B184.
Tea/coffee squash and biscuits will be available.
Lunch will be served at Great Easton Village hall, the cost for the lunch will be £5.
Names for lunch to Tim Peckham ( ) by 20 June at the very latest.
Everyone is welcome to come along.
(Sunday 21 April 2024)