Training Day 2023
Courses now open for booking

We have a range of courses this year on the training day - Saturday November 23rd 2024 - at towers across central Essex.
The cost of the day is £15. This cost includes the booking fee.
In addition to the fee for the day, you will need to pay for your lunch which will most likely be organised at a pub local to the tower you are visiting, although individuals may like to bring packed lunches (but do remember this is in November). If the cost of the day is prohibitive for you, grants can be applied for via this link:
Booking is open now and closes on 10th November but do book as soon as possible if you want to join a course as the spaces are limited. If your course is full please join the wait list.
To make the training day a success we need willing helpers! If you can help on November 23rd, please contact Tim Peckham on - thanks to Tim for agreeing to organise the helpers this year.
Thanks to all our tutors for agreeing to run a course on the day. If you’d like further information on the courses, please email me or give me a call - see below.
Best wishes
Beth Johnson
Education Officer, EACR
(Thursday 7 September 2023)